Trudeau Praises Mass Murdering Communist Dictator Castro

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau issued a statement on Saturday regarding the death of Cuban President Dictator Fidel Castro. Glossing over Castro’s atrocities, Trudeau referred to the tyrant as a “remarkable leader.”

Governing with an iron fist, Castro oversaw executions of dissidents by firing squad, extrajudicial assassinations and brutal beatings of political prisoners by prison guards – remember when leftist groups like Black Lives Matter said police brutality and state-sanctioned violence were bad things?

Despite his own website boasting of a “proud record” standing up for the gay community and LGBT rights, Trudeau appeared unfazed by Castro’s overt opposition to gay rights and unapologetic homophobia. After rounding them up, Castro placed gays in forced labor camps — I’m old enough to remember when Trudeau attacked Canadian conservatives six months ago for believing in traditional marriage.


One thought on “Trudeau Praises Mass Murdering Communist Dictator Castro

  1. Justin Trudeau’s tribute to Fidel Castro is an example of doublethink:

    “Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one’s mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them.” George Orwell


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